Staying Inspired!

There are some days when you wake up and you really do not feel like getting out of bed. At those times, you seem to have lost all your ‘save the world’ energy and your inspiration for life seems to have reached its lowest ebb.  Don’t we all have those moments when changing the world seems like the least appealing thing to do and we ask ourselves, “Who send me message?” Certainly, I do. It is however important to note that our actions and choices at such times are very critical. So, how do you stay inspired even when you do not feel inspired?

At the Eko Atlantic City Project Site

In the past few weeks, I have discovered that one important thing to do is to surround yourself with persons and things that inspire you to achieve more and become a better version of yourself. I am currently involved in a five weeks leadership training organised by the Young African Leadership Initiative Regional Leadership Centre Accra where I have been privileged to meet 89 other young African change makers who are really passionate about making Africa great and I can affirm that every session, every interaction with these persons have helped to refuel my inspiration. During our exchanges, a new ray of hope flickers across my eyes and I become certain, very certain, that we can create the Africa of our dreams and get rid of the third world appellation. 

At Makoko, Yaba, Lagos

So, you want to stay inspired? Then, surround yourself with persons and things that refuel your inspiration! 

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