3 Smart Money Tips from Arese Ugwu’s The Smart Money Woman

It is almost axiomatic that no one wants to become broke and penniless; not even you! You, like every other person, want the good life but you could be inadvertently working very hard towards a life of poverty and financial dependence. In the Smart Money Woman, Arese Ugwu presents financial wisdom in a very captivating style of fiction that ensures the reader reads till the last word. As the great and inspiring African entrepreneur, Aliko Dangote, describes it, The Smart Money Woman is “an entertaining way to learn about money. Ushering in a new narrative of Africa, specifically of the African woman in the 21st Century; her perspective, her ambition, her journey, flaws and all but wholly hers”

Arese Ugwu, Author, The Smart Money Woman

These following three tips are some of the money tips I got from reading the beautifully woven plot of five typical Nigerian women with different challenges, perspectives and ambitions:

  1. Lady, You Can Grow Your Own Wealth

Using her lovely narrating style, Arese teaches the 21st century woman in the African context specifically how to emerge financially successful and not to only depend on the men figures in their lives for financial sustenance. Apart from the fact that it can become really burdensome for the men, a smart money tip for smart ladies is to own their finances, make their own money and grow their wealth by making the money work for them. Having Challenges growing wealth? This is the book you have been waiting for.

2. You Don’t Make Money to Spend it

This book did something for me and that is the fact that it helped me clear firmly rooted misconception that money is made to be spent. Reading through the two hundred and ten pages of the Smart Money Woman, I realized that there are other purposes for money like saving and investment. According to Arese,“developing a wealthy mindset requires the understanding of the concept that the way you spend, invest and manage ten naira is the way you will spend, invest and manage ten million”. If you have been spending all your income and you are disturbed about it, this book is for you!

The Smart Money Woman

3. Make Your Money Work For You

This book will help you see that you cannot experience financial freedom if all you do is work for money and you do not make your money work for you. The gospel of this book is that becoming financially secure especially as a woman in this generation is not rocket science and it helps you to make the right financial decision per time.

Extra Tip- If you do not want to miss out on the lessons, don’t read it as just a novel.

Click here  to learn more about the book and buy it! It will be a valuable addition to your library

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